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Después de completar el pago, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación y el curso se desbloqueará en la aplicación.
EducUp is an edtech startup on a mission to make learning easy and fun.
Enhance your understanding of the fundamental concepts related to digital forensics
Gain practical knowledge about various data analysis methods used in digital forensics
Learn about the process of digital evidence collection, and how to do it effectively and legally
Understand the importance of preservation techniques and how to implement them to maintain the integrity of digital evidence
Get hands-on experience with various forensic tools and technology used in the industry
Understand the chain of custody procedures and its importance in a digital forensic investigation
Learn about the initial steps in evidence collection and how to approach a digital crime scene
Gain insights into volatile data collection and how to handle data that can be easily lost or modified
Learn about different data acquisition techniques and how to select the most effective one for your investigation
Understand the basics of network forensics and how to investigate network-related incidents