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Después de completar el pago, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación y el curso se desbloqueará en la aplicación.
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Después de completar el pago, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación y el curso se desbloqueará en la aplicación.
EducUp is an edtech startup on a mission to make learning easy and fun.
Enhanced understanding of managing incidental disclosures to protect patient privacy
Comprehensive knowledge of HIPAA regulations and confidentiality protocols
Tailored strategies for addressing the unique needs of special populations
Skills in advocacy to effectively support clients in case management
Solid foundation in the basics of case management for mental health specialists
Effective follow up strategies to ensure continuity of care
Techniques for ongoing assessment and monitoring to improve client outcomes
Familiarity with community resources and services to better support clients
Proficiency in active care coordination to streamline client care processes
Improved ability to integrate and apply course knowledge in real world settings